Friday, March 1, 2019

The Start Of It All

Day one of Slice of Life and creating my first ever blog post! I am super nervous but decided to take this leap into the unknown land of blogging. Since March 1st has fallen on a Friday, I feel a bit refreshed and ready to start an exciting weekend! I have yet to make a commitment on the number of posts I plan on writing this month, I think I will be leaving it to undecided, and be happily surprised with however many I do in the end. 


  1. I'm excited to be blogging buddies and teacher besties! Here's to Fridays and blogging!

    1. Me too!! Loved starting off SOL with you!

  2. Take it a day at a time, but I hope you will be inspired to go the distance. It was life-changing for me 5 years ago. This is my 6th year of March SOLSC. I think I love it more each year. I was also an ESOL teacher - that's a special world of teaching.

    1. As a first year teacher, I feel truly blessed to be able to do it as an ESL teacher! I have now written a second post so I am making progress!

  3. Welcome! I'm excited for you to take this plunge. Last year, this challenge was my first time ever blogging - I was nervous and excited and not quite aware of what I was getting into, but it has changed my life. These days I usually only blog once a week, but I'm all in for this month. Can't wait to see what you write - and glad to see that you already have blogging buddies!

    1. Thank you! Yes I am very lucky to have such great coworkers who support me as well!
